Lecture about endoscopic negative pressure therapy and fistulas, given at 14.6.2022, on SOBED Online
At the invitation the board of directors of the brasilian society of digetive endoscopy (SOBED- Sociedade Brasileira de Endoscopia Digestiva) I had the pleasure to participate in the scientific activity "Mistakes in the management of enterocutaneous fistulae and how to avoid them” as a speaker.
Title of the lecture was "Endoscopic vacuum therapy in upper GI-tract "Fistulas"
Speaker: Dr. Gunnar Loske (Alemanha)
Moderator: Dr. Flaubert Sena de Medeiros (RN)
Moderator: Dr. Josemberg G. Campos (PE)
Chair: Prof. Prof. Eduardo Moura (PhD, Director - Endoscopy Unit - Hospital das Clínicas at University of São Paulo)
Activity features:
An event with a topic of great interest to the specialty, where through a 20' objective class, the speaker draws attention to the crucial points of a procedure. Then there is a 40' debate, answering the questions formulated by the audience.
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