Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy (EVT)

Endoscopic Negative Pressure Therapy (ENPT)

Publications by Dr. med. Gunnar Loske

Sorted by publication date:

Title Journal  Organ

The Role of Open-Pore Film Drainage Systems in Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy: Current Status and Review of the Literature

Visceral Medicine 2023  

Endoscopic negative-pressure treatment : From management of complications to pre-emptive active reflux drainage in abdomino-thoracic esophageal resection-A new safety concept for esophageal surgery. 

Die Chirurgie 2023 Esophagus

Endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie: vom Komplikationsmanagement zur präemptiven aktiven Refluxdrainage (PARD) bei abdomino-thorakaler Ösophagusresektion - ein neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Ösophaguschirurgie

Die Chirurgie 2023 Esophagus
PEG Allgemein- und viszeralchirurgische Eingriffe  

Endoscopic vacuum therapy for anastomotic leakage after upper gastrointestinal surgery

Endoscopy 2023 Esophagus

Secondary wound closure with a new transparent negative-pressure dressing

Die Chirurgie 2023 Skin

Sekundärer Wundverschluss mit einem neuen transparenten Unterdruckverband

Die Chirurgie 2023 Skin

Neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Ösophaguschirurgie

Hamburger Ärzteblatt 2023 Esophagus

Intrathoracic negative pressure therapy for pleural empyema using an open-pore drainage film

Die Chirurgie 2023 Thorax

Intrathorakale Unterdrucktherapie des Pleuraempyems unter Einsatz einer offenporigen Drainagefolie

Die Chirurgie 2023 Thorax
Transabdominal esophago-cutaneous fistula closure with endoscopic negative pressure therapy using a thin open-pore film drain in a pull-through technique Endoscopy 2022 Esophagus

First report of closure of an iatrogenic recto-vesical fistula solely using endoscopic negative pressure therapy

Endoscopy 2022



Snoring induced reflux (SnoR) and a carcinoma in the gastro-oesophageal junction ISS 2022 Esophagus

Postoperative Leckagen im Gastrointestinaltrakt - Diagnostik und Therapie

Gastroenterologe 2022  Esophagus

Preemptive active drainage of reflux (PARD) in IvorLewis oesophagectomy with negative pressure and simultaneous enteral nutrition using a doublelumen openpore film drain (dOFD)

Surgical Endoscopy 2022 Esophagus

Closure of a duodenal cutaneous fistula with endoscopic negative pressure therapy using a thin open-pore film drain - an easy tool and simple method

Endoscopy 2021 Duodenum

Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for a broad rectal fistula using pull-through open-pore film and polyurethane foam drains

Endoscopy 2021 Colon

Emergency endoscopic negative pressure therapy of a long oesophageal perforation in eosinophilic esophagitis with a single-lumen nasogastric tube-like open-pore film drain

Endoscopy 2021 Esophagus

Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) of a spontaneous oesophageal rupture (Boerhaave’s syndrome) with peritonitis – a new treatment option

Innovative Surgical Sciences 2021 Esophagus
Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) in head and neck surgery: first experiences in treatment of postoperative salivary fistulas and cervical esophageal perforations European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2021 ENT
Getunnelte subkutane endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie - Neue Therapieoption bei komplizierter Wundheilungsstörung am Stoma Coloproctology 2020

Intrauterine negative-pressure therapy (IU-NPT) to treat peritonitis after caesarean section

Innovative Surgical Sciences 2020 Gynecology
Early diagnosis is associated with improved clinical outcomes in benign esophageal perforation: an individual patient data meta-analysis Surg Endosc 2020 Esophagus
Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) for duodenal leakage – novel repair technique using open-pore film (OFD) and polyurethane-foam drainages (OPD) EIO 2019 Duodenum
Was gibt es Neues bei der endoskopischen Therapie der Anastomoseninsuffizienz? Was gibt es Neues in der Chirurgie? Jahresband 2019  
Iatrogenic esophageal perforation during fundoplication: treatment with endoscopic negative pressure therapy

Endoscopy (2019)

 Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) of a post-laryngectomy pharyngocutaneous fistula: first report of a new treatment method.  HNO (2019)  ENT
Endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie einer pharyngokutanten Fistel nach Laryngektomie - Erstbeschreibung eines neuen Therapieverfahrens

HNO 2019)


Gastroduodenal anastomotic insufficiency: pull-through technique for endoscopic negative pressure therapy with new types of open-pore drains

Endoscopy (2019)



Endoscopic negative pressure therapy of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Chirurg (2018)





Endoscopic Negative Pressure Therapy (ENPT) of an Anastomotic Leakage after Total Gastrectomy with Open-Pore Polyurethane-Foam Drainages (OPD) and Open-Pore Film Drainage (OFD)

Global Journal of Digestive Diseases (2018)


Endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie am oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt Chirurg (2018)




Tips and tricks for endoscopic negative pressure therapy Chirurg (2018) Esophagus
Tipps und Tricks in der endoskopischen Unterdrucktherapie Chirurg (2018) Esophagus
Open-pore Film Drainage (OFD) - A new multipurpose tool for endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) 
Endosc Int Open (2018)





Behandlung von iatrogenen Ösophagusperforationen mit der endoskopischen Vakuumtherapie (EVT) Chir praxis (2018) Esophagus
Endoscopic vacuum therapy for various defects of the upper gastrointestinal tract Surg Endosc (2017) Esophagus
Endoscopic negative-pressure therapy for duodenal leakage using new open-pore film and polyurethane foam drains with the pull-through technique Endoscopy (2017) Duodenum
Prevention of reflux after esophagectomy with endoscopic negative pressure therapy using a new double-lumen open-pore film drainage with an intestinal feeding tube Endoscopy 2017 Esophagus
First Report of Intraluminal Endoscopic Negative Pressure Therapy (ENPT) for Anastomotic Prophylaxis in a Case of Tubular Resection of Cervial Esophagus Clin Surg (2017) Esophagus

Erstbeschreibung einer endoskopischen Vakuumtherapie der ableitenden Harnwege bei großem Harnblasendefekt nach abdomino-perinealer Rektumexstirpation. Videobeitrag

Chirurg (2017) Urology

First report of urinary endoscopic vacuum therapy : For large bladder defect after abdomino-perineal excision of the rectum. Video paper

Chirurg (2017) Urology
Endoskopische Vakuumtherapie der akuten Mediastinitis : Ein modernes minimal-invasives Therapieverfahren Chirurg (2016) Esophagus
Endoscopic vacuum therapy for Boerhaave's syndrome Chirurg (2016) Esophagus
Transgastric endoscopic vacuum therapy with a new open-pore film drainage device in a case of infective pancreatic necrosis Endoscopy (2016) Pancreas
Spontaneous perforation of an intramural esophageal pseudodiverticulosis treated with intraluminal endoscopic vacuum therapy using a double-lumen vacuum drainage with intestinal feeding tube Endoscopy (2016) Esophagus
Endoscopic vacuum therapy in Boerhaave's syndrome with open-pore polyurethane foam and a new open-pore film drainage Endoscopy (2016) Esophagus
Successful endoscopic vacuum therapy with new open-pore film drainage in a case of iatrogenic duodenal perforation during ERCP Endoscopy (2015) Duodenum
Komplexe Vakuumtherapie einer abszedierenden Magenperforation Chirurg (2015) Stomach
Iatrogenic perforation of esophagus successfully treated with Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy (EVT) Endosc Int Open (2015) Esophagus
Endoscopic vacuum therapy of perforations and anastomotic insufficiency of the esophagus Chirurg (2014) Esophagus
 Intraluminal endoscopic vacuum therapy in a case of ischemia of the blind end of the jejunal loop after Roux-en-Y gastrectomy Endoscopy (2014) Esophagus
Endoscopic vacuum therapy of anastomotic leakage and iatrogenic perforation in the esophagus Surg Endosc (2013) Esophagus
Pancreatico-gastric anastomotic insufficiency successfully treated with endoscopic vacuum therapy Endoscopy (2013) Pancreas

Endoscopic vacuum therapy in the management of anastomotic insufficiency after pancreaticoduodenectomy

Endoscopy (2012) Pancreas
Intraluminal and intracavitary vacuum therapy for esophageal leakage: a new endoscopic minimally invasive approach Endoscopy (2011) Esophagus
Intraluminal Vacuum Therapy – A New Endoscopic Approach in the Treatment of Duodenal Leakage Endo heute (2010) Duodenum
Endoscopic intracavitary vacuum sponge therapy of anastomotic leakage in the proximal colon after right-sided colectomy Endoscopy (2010) Colon
Endoscopic intraluminal vacuum therapy of duodenal perforation Endoscopy (2010) Duodenum
 Endoscopic intracavitary vacuum therapy of Boerhaave's syndrome: a case report Endoscopy (2010) Esophagus
 Endoscopic vacuum sponge therapy for esophageal defects Surg Endosc (2010) Esophagus
 Vacuum therapy of an esophageal anastomotic leakage--a case report Zentralbl Chir (2009) Esophagus
 Endoscopic vacuum-assisted closure of upper intestinal anastomotic leaks Gastrointest Endosc (2009) Esophagus