Publications by Dr. med. Gunnar Loske
The Role of Open-Pore Film Drainage Systems in Endoscopic Vacuum Therapy: Current Status and Review of the Literature
Endoscopic negative-pressure treatment : From management of complications to pre-emptive active reflux drainage in abdomino-thoracic esophageal resection-A new safety concept for esophageal surgery.
Endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie: vom Komplikationsmanagement zur präemptiven aktiven Refluxdrainage (PARD) bei abdomino-thorakaler Ösophagusresektion - ein neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Ösophaguschirurgie
Endoscopic vacuum therapy for anastomotic leakage after upper gastrointestinal surgery
Secondary wound closure with a new transparent negative-pressure dressing
Sekundärer Wundverschluss mit einem neuen transparenten Unterdruckverband
Neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Ösophaguschirurgie
Intrathoracic negative pressure therapy for pleural empyema using an open-pore drainage film
Intrathorakale Unterdrucktherapie des Pleuraempyems unter Einsatz einer offenporigen Drainagefolie
First report of closure of an iatrogenic recto-vesical fistula solely using endoscopic negative pressure therapy
Postoperative Leckagen im Gastrointestinaltrakt - Diagnostik und Therapie
Pre‑emptive active drainage of reflux (PARD) in Ivor‑Lewis oesophagectomy with negative pressure and simultaneous enteral nutrition using a double‑lumen open‑pore film drain (dOFD)
Closure of a duodenal cutaneous fistula with endoscopic negative pressure therapy using a thin open-pore film drain - an easy tool and simple method
Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for a broad rectal fistula using pull-through open-pore film and polyurethane foam drains
Emergency endoscopic negative pressure therapy of a long oesophageal perforation in eosinophilic esophagitis with a single-lumen nasogastric tube-like open-pore film drain
Endoscopic negative pressure therapy (ENPT) of a spontaneous oesophageal rupture (Boerhaave’s syndrome) with peritonitis – a new treatment option
Intrauterine negative-pressure therapy (IU-NPT) to treat peritonitis after caesarean section
Endoscopy (2019)
HNO 2019)
Gastroduodenal anastomotic insufficiency: pull-through technique for endoscopic negative pressure therapy with new types of open-pore drains
Endoscopic negative pressure therapy of the upper gastrointestinal tract
Endoscopic Negative Pressure Therapy (ENPT) of an Anastomotic Leakage after Total Gastrectomy with Open-Pore Polyurethane-Foam Drainages (OPD) and Open-Pore Film Drainage (OFD)
Global Journal of Digestive Diseases (2018)
Erstbeschreibung einer endoskopischen Vakuumtherapie der ableitenden Harnwege bei großem Harnblasendefekt nach abdomino-perinealer Rektumexstirpation. Videobeitrag
First report of urinary endoscopic vacuum therapy : For large bladder defect after abdomino-perineal excision of the rectum. Video paper
Endoscopic vacuum therapy in the management of anastomotic insufficiency after pancreaticoduodenectomy