Since 2017, we have been using a double-lumen open pore drainage (dOFD) with a simultaneous enteral feeding channel, to which we apply an active negative pressure, instead of a passive gastric drainage tube in pre-emptive intention for all patients undergoing an Ivor-Lewis oesophagectomy.
With this new dOFD drainage device, we completely empty the stomach immediately after suturing the anastomosis. At the same time, the gastric tube is decompressed. At the same time, the patient receives enteral nutrition via the integrated feeding tube.
Our aim is to drain the aggressive digestive secretions of the reflux in order to avoid disrupting the healing of the anastomosis.
Loske G, Müller J, Schulze W, Riefel B, Reeh M, Müller CT.
Endoskopische Unterdrucktherapie : Vom Komplikationsmanagement zur präemptiven aktiven Refluxdrainage bei abdomino-thorakaler Ösophagusresektion – ein neues Sicherheitskonzept für die Ösophaguschirurgie Chirurgie (Heidelb). 2023 Dec;94(12):1022-1033. German. doi: 10.1007/s00104-023-01970-2. Epub 2023 Oct 26. PMID: 37882839; PMCID: PMC10689535. of print. PMID: 38085297.
Loske G, Müller J, Schulze W, Riefel B, Müller CT.
Pre-emptive active drainage of reflux (PARD) in Ivor-Lewis oesophagectomy with negative pressure and simultaneous enteral nutrition using a double-lumen open-pore film drain (dOFD). Surg Endosc. 2022 Mar;36(3):2208-2216.
doi: 10.1007/s00464-021-08933-w. Epub 2022 Jan 1. PMID: 34973079; PMCID: PMC8847238.
Loske G, Müller J, Schulze W, Riefel B, Reeh M, Müller CT. Endoscopic negative-pressure treatment : From management of complications to pre-emptive active reflux drainage in abdomino-thoracic esophageal resection-A new safety concept for esophageal surgery. Chirurgie (Heidelb). 2023 Dec 12. English. doi: 10.1007/s00104-023-01996-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38085297.
Video demonstrates the making of a double-lumen open-pore drain (dOFD) for pre-emptive reflux drainage after Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy. The drainage allows active aspiration of post-operative reflux (PARD) with simultaneous enteral feeding via an integrated feeding tube in the vulnerable early operative phase. PARD with open-pore drainage serves to prevent postoperative anastomotic insufficiency and increases patient safety during this high-risk surgery.
Das Video demonstriert die Herstellung einer doppellumigen offenporigen Drainage (dOFD) für die pre-emptive Refluxdrainage nach Ivor-Lewis Ösophagusresektion. Die Drainage ermöglicht die aktive Absaugung des postoperativen Refluxes (PARD) bei gleichzeitiger enteraler Ernährung über eine integrierte Ernährungssonde in der vulnerablen frühoperativen Phase. Die PARD mit offenporigen Drainage dient der Vermeidung der postoperativen Anastomoseninsuffizienz und erhöht die Patientensicherheit bei dieser Hochrisikooperation.
Loske G, Schorsch T, Müller CT. Prevention of reflux after esophagectomy with endoscopic negative pressure therapy using a new double-lumen open-pore film drainage with an intestinal feeding tube. Endoscopy. 2017 Dec;49(12):E294-E295. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-118211. Epub 2017 Sep 19. PMID: 28926851.
Loske G, Schorsch T, Schmidt-Seithe H, Müller C. Intraluminal endoscopic vacuum therapy in a case of ischemia of the blind end of the jejunal loop after Roux-en-Y gastrectomy. Endoscopy. 2014;46 Suppl 1 UCTN:E575-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1390913. Epub 2014 Nov 21. PMID: 25415175.
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